DILG R1 Inks Agreement with SLC on the Management Course for Local Officials and Functionaries of Region 1
The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Region 1 and Saint Louis College (SLC) sealed their partnership with a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed last July 28, 2021 during the Joint Local Governance Regional Resource Center (LGRRC) 1 and Provincial Local Governance Resource Centers (PLGRCs) cum MOA Signing held virtually at DILG Regional Office 1, Sevilla, City of San Fernando, La Union.
DILG R1 Regional Director Julie J. Daquioag, Ph.D., CESO III and SLC College President Rev. Fr. Ramon R. Caluza, CICM signed the MOA solidifying their partnership in offering an Extension Program entitled “Management Course for Local Officials and Functionaries of Region 1” which aims to provide local government officials and employees, and DILG personnel of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, and La Union the time to upgrade and repackage their knowledge and skills to stay relevant and connected to the innovations in the field of local governance. The management course is aligned with the mandates of Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 18, series of 2018 for the Local Government Units (LGUs) in their continuing professional development.
Also present during the virtual MOA signing are DILG Region 1 Assistant Regional Director/LGRRC Program Manager Agnes A. De Leon, CESO V, LGOO VIII/LGRRC Assistant Manager/Presiding Officer Reggie R. Colisao, CESO V, other LGRRC members, provincial LGRC members, and SLC Management.
The Extension Program which is to be held through hybrid modality (Zoom Video Conference and face-to-face set-up) contains academic courses designed for three (3) terms. A course will be offered every Saturday for eighteen (18) weeks for regular term and every Saturday and Sunday for six (6) weeks for short term. It is suggested that three (3) courses for each level of the program or the equivalent of nine (9) units be enrolled simultaneously. There are three (3) main courses for Level I and Level II of the management program except in Level III wherein four (4) main courses are offered.
The management program is credited as academic units leading to Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Enrollees who have satisfactorily completed the three (3) levels will be qualified to take the Comprehensive Examination. Enrollees who wish to complete the program have to undergo Thesis Writing with Proposal and Oral Defense. Enrollees who finish the program will be provided with diploma, transcript of records with Registry of Graduates (ROG) recognized by the Commission of Higher Education (CHED). Enrollees will also be awarded Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificates upon completion of each course in Level I, if applicable.
“SLC is privileged to sign the MOA with DILG Region 1 to provide and extend services to colleagues in LGU. SLC, since 60 years ago is always at the service of the local community, LGUs, and NGOs. The main objective of SLC since its inception is to provide quality education to all our stakeholders and at this juncture of our history, dear friends and colleagues, we are privileged to partner with you because more than ever, we need to upgrade and also to enhance our preparation as local leaders, so that local governance will also be upgraded and enhanced. This is a blessing from God. And a blessing for all of people in Region 1,” Rev. Fr. Caluza expressed.
RD Daquioag is in deep gratitude with SLC San Fernando for accepting the partnership with DILG Region 1. “This is one great milestone, our first engagement with an MSAC academe partner. We hope that this endeavor will engage not only local officials and functionaries, but also our public servants from other agencies in Region 1 and other regions as well. May this partnership also encourage other academes to adopt the best practices of SLC,” RD Daquioag said during her speech.
The management program will be facilitated both by the focal persons of DILG Region 1 and assigned faculty of the Graduate School of SLC.
The program will commence on August 2021 for School Year 2021-2022. Specifically, the time frame for Level I to III shall be as follows: Level I – August 21, 2021 to December 18, 2021; Level II – January 22, 2022 to May 28, 2022; and Level III – June 25, 2022 to July 30, 2022.
Interested students are encouraged to enroll the soonest since the admission to the management program shall be on a first come, first serve basis due to the limited slots. Interested students are advised to visit www.slc-sflu.edu.ph for more details. (LGOO II Jeslen B. Tesoro)